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Posted on 18 May 2023 In Logistyka

E-commerce is currently one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. This is mainly due to the sudden and unforeseen development at the beginning […]

Posted on 17 May 2023 In Logistyka

Logistics is a field that plays a key role in modern society and economy. It is essential for the smooth functioning of many industries, from […]

Posted on 17 May 2023 In Logistyka

Due to the dynamic development of the logistics market, effective customer service does not end with standard transport and storage services. To meet the growing […]

Posted on 4 May 2023 In Konfekcjonowanie produktów, Logistyka

Packaging of goods is one of the key processes in logistics companies. It consists in completing and packing goods in accordance with specific specifications and […]

Posted on 4 May 2023 In Logistyka

Logistics is a field that deals with the organization and management of the supply chain. It is a complex process, therefore several types have been […]

Posted on 28 April 2023 In Logistyka

Supply chain management is a crucial element of business success. A fulfillment operator is a company that provides comprehensive logistics management services, including warehousing, order […]

Posted on 27 April 2023 In Logistyka

In today’s world, e-commerce is developing at an unprecedented rate, and along with it, there is an increasing demand for packaging that will protect products […]

Posted on 9 December 2022 In Logistyka
Did you know that not only the shipping process, but also accepting returns and handling claims can be outsourced? At eHOPI, we support online stores [...]
Posted on 30 November 2022 In Logistyka
There is more than one recipe for eco-packaging. Find out what eco-friendly packaging is all about and why you should choose the green side! Plastic [...]
Posted on 20 April 2022 In Logistyka
When is it worth using logistics outsourcing services? The dynamic development of e-commerce has irreversibly changed the behavior of consumers all over the world. Unlimited [...]